Bladeless Mountaineer in white

No big blade to be found on this white gem! The Victorinox Mountaineer is a 4-layer 91mm model, and is one of the few models to include the metal file without also including the wood saw.

This custom version is a 3-layer, as it replaces the big blade for the metal file. Not completely bladeless, as it still has the smaller pen blade for opening boxes. Just one Mountaineer and some factory-fresh white plus-scales where used to create this mod.

This example has OEM (unfinished) liners.

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic | 20190505 200826 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 1 | 20190505 200916 1 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 3 | 20190505 200826 1 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 5 | 20190505 200615 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 7 | 20190505 200709 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 9 | 20190505 200805 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 11 | 20190505 200609 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 13 | 20190505 200505 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 15 | 20190505 200350 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 17 | 20190505 200222 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 19 | 20190505 200240 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 21 | 20190505 200255 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 23 | image 05 05 2019 19 59 495997402268038820914 | Custom SAK

Bladeless Mountaineer in white pic 25 | image 05 05 2019 19 59 387013984594930507644 | Custom SAK