The Engineer is 2 layer Victorinox model that includes the Technician’s Screwdriver tool as well as the magnifying glass. It’s related to the Scientist and differs from it in replacing the combo tool with the fine technician’s screwdriver. This model is discontinued en was produced in small numbers for the French company Telemecanique, it’s fairly rare and therefore a shame to use and abuse.
However, this one is meant and built to be used. As the fine technician’s screwdriver tool is rare, this tool is made by regrinding and re-polishing a Victorinox can opener. This slender tool is ideal for (deep) screw terminals.
Just one (old type) Explorer was used, to recreate this Engineer. If you only want to carry a single 2-layer knife, i think it is a close call between this and an Victorinox Scientist, provided you do not need scissors.
This example has brushed liners.